Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving - a time to enjoy your family and friends

We just got home from our friends house enjoying a nice relaxing weekend and being thankful for good friends. Todd thought he was going to have to work Friday and we couldn't go very far for the weekend but it turned out he could take a comp day on Friday. So, we could enjoy four days away from the trials of being at home thinking about all the work that needs to be done around here.

We enjoyed a delicious dinner and good company on Thursday. Instead of a more traditional touch football game a lot of families might enjoy, we participated in the pecan pick up game. Of course, the sweet and adorable 1yo granddaughter of our friends, one of her cousins and I played pass the pecans. All in all, we picked up two full plastic grocery bags worth of pecans from the trees.

The rest of the weekend involved getting a few Black Friday deals. Pat was brave enough to get out of the house about 5am to pick up a few things and make it home about two hours later with only good things to report about his experience. Jan and I got out later and picked up a few good deals and naturally the really good things we had our eye on were already snatched up by the people that were out of the house long before noon.

Mr. Pat took the boys for a ride in his tractor. Patch was a little worried when the bucket got too high but Franklin was ready to go again!

Pat and Jan were kind enough to send us home with a lot of fresh, wonderful pecans and Franklin is thrilled to crack them open for us. I thought Patch was gung ho too but I'm finding out, it was a short lived love affair. ;-) But, I'm on the lookout for some yummy recipes if you have any to share!

 Cute, little baby pecan Pat found :)

So, I hope everyone was able to share the holiday with friends, families, loved one. I am thankful to have such great friends! Thank you Pat & Jan for another fun weekend!


  1. We loved having you guys over for Thanksgiving weekend. I had a blast with the boys. We picked something like 100 pounds of pecans so far this year and more on the trees to fall yet.

  2. Glad to hear you guys had a good Thanksgiving! I love fresh pecans off the tree, nothing is better. :)
