Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

We are getting January temperatures already here in SC!

We've been spending time inside because of it too! The boys found a new/old game when we were at GoodWill the other day..

They loved getting twisted up even if the spinner did keep giving us, left foot green (a lot!!) Buying things at Goodwill is always an interesting experience. The Twister game came with a printed hand held fan that had a family reunion for the James family in 2005, Savannah, GA if anybody's interested. It looks like they had a lot of fun planned.

I thought it was interesting that they left this with the game.

Even though it's been cold, the sky has been it's pretty Carolina blue on the clear days. The other morning I braved the cold because I thought the morning sun shinning on the trees across the street looked interesting. Unfortunately, my point and shoot camera & I don't always capture how beautiful something is IRL.

In other news... the investment house is coming along slowly. The wall painting is DONE! Now onto the trim work - hopefully, there won't be a lot that needs to be done there. The floor in the laundry room and kitchen is almost ready for linoleum. I need to work on cleaning up the wood work through out the house.

The boys are doing good - trying to figure out how to eat all their Halloween candy ASAP. Trying to figure out how to get out of doing school work and spend more time on the computer but we're working on how to spend less time on the computer these days.

Todd has a tough class in Art Appreciation this session - who would have thought it would be one of his harder classes?

Next task is figuring out when we get to spend time with all our family and friends over the holiday season! We'll get it figured out soon.


  1. Beautiful Fall colors!!! I agree about the cold. It came so fast we just have not had a chance to really adjust yet. Hope to soon! Good to hear the house is coming along:)

  2. It got cold quick! My coat (bought three years ago) was getting a bit too large. So, John bought me a new one at JCP today. If you need a coat, now is the time. They are having a huge sale. If you need a coupon, let me know and I'll email you one.

    Love the pictures; the yellow leaves really stood out.
