Saturday, November 13, 2010

First attempt at soap making...

I've made laundry soap so I thought it was time to try some bar soap. It's quite a bit different to make bar soap! I can't wait to try it :)

This is the mold that came with the kit. The plastic bag was not conducive to a square bar of soap coming out.

 This is what happens when you mix lye with room temperature water - it's over 150 degrees!!  Lye is scary stuff. I was suppose to add 66g of lye to 3/4 cup water. I poured 66g of lye into a plastic container and as it sat there, it got heavier! I don't know if it was soaking up water from the air or what but that was weird.

This is mixing the oils with the lye solution - you mix until it 'traces' (leaves a trail - compared to pudding in thickness.)
Then you add color and scent and pour it in the mold for 24 hours.

After you let it set for 24 hours, you cut it into bars and then it has to cure for 3 weeks.

So.... in about 3 weeks, I can try it and let you know how it turned out! I don't know which size bar I like better either. I think next time, I'll let Todd cut it for me. He's good at stuff like that :)

It got cold again here in the south - chili for dinner tonight!!


  1. Nice color Wendy, it looks Black on my screen. Hope it dosen't harm your skin.

  2. anxious to hear about how it turns out. I had no idea you had to let it cure for 3 weeks! I guess if you want to make them for gifts for Christmas, ya had better get to makin' more soap! lol What scent did you make it?

  3. So cool you guys did this!!!!! Tyler loves smelling the soaps at the Farmer's Market and the lady there is so nice! I told him we would try this but haven't done it yet! Can't wait to hear how you like it!

    We do Chili a lot too! We have so many hot days that I get so excited when cold days come around and so it's either Chili, Pot Pie or Hot Cocoa:)
