Monday, November 1, 2010

It's election time!

Tomorrow is election day. Did you know election day is on the first Tuesday of November following the first Monday in November? So, in other words, it's never on the first of November. Which is cool, I think. I'd hate to miss election day just because I didn't turn my calendar quick enough!

DYK that women fought really hard for the women's right to vote today. Our men and women in the Military have also fought for our rights to vote and so many other wonderful freedoms we have. Don't let their efforts be in vain and take advantage of this right we have. Also, I'm not too worried about missing election day - the ads on TV and in the mailbox (snail mail & email), the phone calls, the signs... they seem out of hand this year, worse than a Presidential election year, I think! It makes a girl wonder how much of the debt could be paid off with all the money spent by the politicians for elections.

Anyhow, as much as I'd like to leave it at "Just get out and vote," I would like to add that I'd love for you to know who and what you're voting for before you go. If you're in SC, here's a great site to help you make your decisions: - it also has a lot of other great information for SC residents and visitors. So, I'm saying... Do your research and THEN get out to vote!!

Hope to hear that you voted tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I voted and am proud of you and impressed with this entry. I hope it touches home with your other readers.
