Monday, December 6, 2010

Signs of Christmas are in the air

There's still a lot to do but we're on our way to being prepared for Christmas. We finally found a tree! Yay, Todd!!
We enjoyed Todd's company Christmas Party on Saturday. They had the party at the local Marriott and lots of food, a great band, an open bar and an offer of a free taxi ride home if you needed it. The owner stopped by the table and bragged about Todd to me. I know he's wonderful but it's always nice to hear someone else agree with me. :)

Cool Nutcrackers at the entrance to the ball room where the party was held.

Martini ice sculpture. The bar tender poured the drinks through it. I guess it made the drinks colder or frozen? You had to hold your glass in the bottom of the sculpture to get your drink. I thought it was pretty cool.

All of the ice sculptures were pretty cool but I thought the Martini one was the best. It was a huge party and even Todd didn't know very many people but the people I did meet all seemed really nice.

Now, to work on shopping, decorating, cookie baking, getting cards ready to send and everything else Christmas done in the next few weeks! Time could slow down a smidge for me!

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