We kept sort of thinking - what are we doing going camping in Dec and the weekend before Christmas?? Well, it was a little chilly but it was the perfect time to be camping! We headed down to Hunting Island State Park with our friends, Pat & Jan. This was the first time we got to try out their new camper and that was a good thing to have. Tent camping would have been miserable.
The weather could have been a little nicer, it was rainy and gloomy on our trip down but the rain stopped by the time we got there and it was sunny on Sunday.
It was not this dark when we got here but you know how these cameras change stuff like this. It was about 5pm.
Figured out the camera a little better - these are our friends, Pat & Jan. Thank you for taking us with you that weekend!!
The guys worked hard at getting the fire started and even tried some cooking oil! But the wood sucked up the water from the air and would not really burn worth a darn. :(
Hermione's perch. She was pretty good while we were there. Luckily, there weren't too many people to bark at this time of year - or at least outside because the park was fairly full.
This horseshoe crab nestled into the sand a long way from the water. Pat actually dug him out and moved him into the water. Stubborn old guy didn't try to get out into the water anymore though. That tail was wicked!
I never saw a forest so close to the water before. Too bad all the trees were dead but it was really cool to see. Pat caught this cool picture with the birds in the background.
We saw a lot of cool things on the beach, like this tiny little shrimp and the horseshoe crab. We saw sand dollars, jellyfish, hermit crabs and crabs too.
I don't even want to know what this means! (I think it had something to do with the wall thing you see started in this picture but still! Couldn't they have named it something else?? LOL)
It was cold up there but the guy that works there braved the heights to take a picture for us. (How do you work at a lighthouse and deal with the fear of heights??)
Todd, Jan and Hermione were a long way below us. Thank you, honey, for staying with the dog so I could go up with the boys.
We ate good, and slept (pretty) good, played good and had great company. It was great to get away from the hustle & bustle of Christmas that weekend. We had a lot of fun but I'm glad we're not out there this weekend with all the snow!
I'm ready to go again! (In a couple months when it's a little warmer! ;-) )
Great pictures Wendy! Looks like all of you had alot of fun. I hear it is beautiful there, but we have never been.