Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wrapping up 2010

Overall 2010 has been a pretty good year for us. We are all happy and healthy (knock on wood) and hoping for an even better 2011.

We have squeezed in some learning outside of our field trips but we've had a ton of fun on the field trips this year! Ms. Chanda gives an amazing class at the Clemson Children's Garden or more affectionately known as Pooh Park.

We even learned how to make animal balloons this year. We might have to study this again sometime. ;-)

 We loved going to Congaree National Park and learning about the things that grow here.

 But, the best part about the visit to Congaree was the canoe trip!
We discovered the Lexington Museum this year. They've brought together a lot of buildings built in the 1800s and learned how they farmed, played, lived and celebrated Christmas in the 19th century. (We've come a long way since then but they didn't do too badly either!)

I don't have pictures to share but I'm still with iVillage - it's been 5 years with them already! And Todd is now working for Long's Drugs (or Long Term Care.) Mr. Long was sweet enough to come by our table at the Christmas party and tell me how valuable Todd is to them. (I figured it was the wrong time to ask about a raise for him LOL)

We keep finding all sorts of projects that could be done around here but in Sept, our renters moved out and we've been working at getting that back on the market. We're close to being ready to put it out there for rent again but still have some work to do.

 Just a couple *minor* projects around here...

It's hard to put pics of all the fun things we've done this year but a couple of things we've done are...

Running the zip lines at the Central Florida Zoo. Thanks, Grammy!

Pat & Jan introduced us to 4 wheeling and the boys had a BLAST!
 This first is not from this year but, this is the first pic of tkd from June 2007. We're taking a break right now but the boys have come so far!
 Look what they can do!!
We saw a play at the Children's theater in Columbia- The Nutty Nutcracker. I hope we can get back to see more!
 We learned about pirates at the state museum
 We had a reading party thanks to iVillage and PBS. Author Mark Johnston came and read some of his books to the kids and answered all their questions and there were a lot of them! He was great!
 We hung out at the lake in Murdoc. Such a fun peaceful way to spend a lazy summer day.
 Christmas with the Weasts. Todd says.... If you get your family picture taken in front of the Christmas tree at Sonny's BBQ, two years in a row.... you could be a redneck. (Well, if we are, that's okay with me!)
 Todd reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas one more time. Even Hermione listened - for 3 seconds.
 Camping at Murdoc w/ the McKeon's.
 The first time I made the boys Halloween costumes - they were happy. Todd's awesome bow & arrows are still well loved.

Anyway, to sum it up again, we are doing pretty well and look forward to an even better 2011! I hope you and yours have a wonderful 2011 as well. Watch out for the crazies out there if you're celebrating the New Year away from home!


  1. Great summary Wendy! Such a very fun year!! I'm so glad we got to share some of it with you guys:) Hoping 2011 will be just as exciting!!

  2. Great job summing up life. I wish I had done so well. We'll see you guys soon in 2011!

  3. what a great way to sum up your schooling year/season. Such an inspiration. :)
