Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quiet week so far

and I don't mind at all. I am a little sad that I haven't gotten over to the house to paint though. Work has been crazy, busy. We're rolling out a new look to iVillage the first week of October (knock on wood.) You can see information here:  and have a sneak peek to the new look here: We're spending a lot of time training on how to use the new boards and trying to make sure everything is updated and correct for the roll over - in addition to doing all of our regular work too. So, I can hardly wait for the new boards to roll out and things getting back to normal. (Whatever that is!)

Did I mention how much fun the boys had at their science class last week? Not just playing with their friends but they learned stuff too. Last week was about water quality. I think they REALLY wanted to go to the class today (because it was a repeat from a class the other kids enjoyed last year - not because they knew what it was about. ) But, "Franklin" was rather sick yesterday so I made us all stay home today so we didn't share that little pleasantness. :( They were really bummed.
Anyhow.... "Franklin" & "Patch"  - I've decided to rename the boys for the world wide web. I'm stealing the idea from a g/f just to keep us all a little safer out there. I will eventually go back and change their real names off of this blog and use them on FB and other places. Franklin is for Ben Franklin a jack of all trades and master of many - this would be for the 11yo. Patch is for Patch Adams who (if you haven't seen the Robin Williams movie) is a funny doctor and the 8yo is rather silly and has great caregiving instincts.

So, hopefully, I'll get some painting done at the rental tomorrow & Friday - wish me luck!


  1. Wow, you put alot of thought into those names. The reasons you picked them seems to be spot on.

  2. My girls love the science classes too! They are looking forward to the next one. I hope we'll see you there. (I'll bring that paper we were talking about too.)
