Friday, September 24, 2010

Quiet week at home

Just in case you were wondering, it's been a quiet week here - well, other than too much work. But, that's becoming the norm lately :(

The boys were great at getting their school work done. Franklin is not really thrilled to be writing a paper about Lewis & Clark but, oh well. At least he gets to write it on the computer! Not like when we were growing up and had to hand write everything. ;-) Franklin's cursive writing is beautiful, Patch's is coming along. They're just learning lower case right now, soon to be moving on to upper case letters. Franklin likes being able to sign his name. (Just wait until I start making him write sentences in it! hehe)

A little over a week until the roll out on our new boards at iVillage. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on how smoothly the transition goes. Next week is suppose to be Hell Week so wish me luck!

Sunday is Todd's birthday. He gets to spend most of it working on the rental house. But, we will take some time to celebrate the day he arrived into this crazy world. We don't know what we'd do without him. He's the best husband and father I could hope for! I love you, hunny!!

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