Sunday, September 12, 2010

Birthday Weekend

Yep, I turned another year older yesterday. I'm not counting anymore ;-)

I spent some time last week looking at pictures of 9/11/01 and remembering all the people we lost that day from either being in the wrong place or those trying to be helpful - all of them heroes. I understand that we are still losing Americans who helped that day from conditions they acquired that day. :(

I wonder what happened to that feeling of comradery we Americans had that day and a long time afterwards. We didn't care about each others beliefs or race or political stance. We lost a lot of Americans that day - of different colors, of different religions, of different politics and of different monetary class. We wanted justice, we wanted to feel safe in our homes, our cars and our airways again. We soon found out that we couldn't go after all Muslims because even though it seems that the Muslim faith was involved in the attack, Muslims in general were not to blame. Will we be able to defeat the Al Qaeda? It would be nice to think that some day we can convince them to not attack us ever again. It would be nice to think that all Americans were thinking this same way. It's rather sad to hear Americans against this fight - we blew up our own buildings, we shouldn't be going after the Al Qaeda, etc.

I don't want to start a debate on the topic, it's my blog and these are my feelings. My main point being, I don't like to share my birthday with this tragedy - but that's old news to most of you. ;-)

On the bright side, I did have a very nice birthday. We had our friends Pat & Jan over and Todd made me an awesome Fruit Basket Cake!
He must love me an awful lot to make this cake - he had to back two 8" rounds and cut them in half and put layers of fruit in between. It wasn't the prettiest thing (but I think before it was cut, it was beautiful!) but it tastes yummy!!

Thank you to all my friends and family for the birthday wishes. They were each appreciated :) You all mean so much to me!


  1. I so glad we got to share your birthday with you. Hope to share many more with ya......HUGZ

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! That was very sweet of him!

  3. I suggested last year to pick another day. :) I still owe you breakfast at BAM! Let me know when you are not working on the house.
