Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another house update...

I know these updates thrill you all to death but I'm keeping track of progress so please bear with me. ;-)

We're hoping to get this ready for rental or sale soon! But, there's probably more work that I haven't thought of yet that needs to be done. Todd's been working on some migration thing for work which is taking a lot of his time and he still has school work to do every week. So, he hasn't been able to get over there much this week.

The boys and I got over there a couple of times but I didn't feel like I got a lot done - cleaning mostly. But, yesterday, Franklin & I loaded the mower in the van and headed over in the morning. Between the two of us we were able to get it in and out of the van. :) Franklin is so excited to start his own lawn mowing services and if you have a yard that doesn't have any thick grass, he might be able to do it. He was so tickled to get the mower started on his own. But, that thick grass defeated him. :(
Heck, it's hard for Todd and me to do it! And, I have to get Todd over to do the edging and weed whacking because those tools hate me.

After lunch, I went back over to do some painting. The upstairs is now DONE! I painted a lot of the stairwell but couldn't reach some because I need a bigger stick on the end of the handle. I also painted the dining room! So, now with the egg shell paint, we still have the two downstairs bedrooms, two small hallways downstairs and the living room. In the semi-gloss, we have the two bathrooms (oops - one of those is upstairs but the egg shell painting is done up there!), the kitchen and the laundry room to do. So.... we're making progress.

The boys are doing good. They refound their friends from the other house - Hannah and Harrison,  so they like going over there again. And, Franklin is being a HUGE help! Patch is such a card these days. His favorite game to play at the house is 'you'll never see me again' - where he runs away and then tries to sneak back near you without you seeing him. Not only do I keep seeing him, he expects me to keep feeding him too. ;-)

Oh! The boys are enjoying spelling quizzes on Fridays - Patch wanted to be quizzed almost all day Thursday so that he could get an A++ on Friday after his B last week. Franklin got all of his words right both weeks. Maybe I should go find a 7th grade list for him ;-)

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