Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Help me out, please!

I've been busy, busy, busy lately and there's still lots to do...

Some of the stuff I've done/made:

Washed the van

Checked the tire pressure - and filled them as needed!! Woohoo!! I figured out how to use the air compressor

Made deviled eggs

Made homemade bean soup

Made homemade ice cream sandwiches

Started decorating for Halloween

What I still need to do:

Make more deviled eggs

Make a rice krispy treat pumpkin

Make Pumpkin cake pops - made the cake and crumbled it (forgot to take a pic) added icing to it so this is going to turn into cake pops soon:
I feel like Calvin with his army of snowmen:

Wendy and her army of pumpkin heads ;-)

Make reaper costume for Patch (have materials (black flat sheet) - just need to figure out how to make it) - started to fit it, need a pillow case for the hood.

Put together ranger costume for Franklin (need to hit goodwill for clothes maybe!)

Finish Halloween decorating

So, this list will probably grow some - I'll cross items off and post pics when I do! You can just remind me I have a list to work on every once in a while.

Thank you! :)


  1. I'm catching up on my blog reading.... reading your blog.. I'm starting to feel so inadequate. LOL.. you are such a wonderful person, and I'm glad to have you as my friend. :)
