Friday, October 8, 2010

Busy week!

Well, we got the new boards up and running this week. Did I mention that already? It feels like I've been answering the same questions over and over and over again. But, I think things are getting better on that end.

We did get to get out on a couple field trips this week too. Our Science class at Pooh Park was about Nature Writing this week. We learned about feather pens, fiction vs non-fiction and how to observe our surroundings with our five senses (although tasting our surroundings was not encouraged.)

After class, Ms. Chanda takes us for a walk through the woods by the lake. It was a great day for a walk!

Today we hit the Lexington Museum for a lesson about farming and the games kids played back in the 1800's. They got to plant some corn, build a scarecrow, play horseshoes, pick up sticks and get beat by the girls in a few games of tug-of-war. (There were more girls than boys though!)

Carriage house and potato building. Mr. Glenn said that it would normally be sweet potatoes in Lexington County.

A water trough built out of a tree about 300 years old. Later used to store grain because of the holes in the bottom.

Talking about the animals on the farm and what their jobs were.

Showing us how the plow worked but made the kids use hoes and rakes to plant the corn.

Building a scarecrow.

Shelling corn.

Pick up sticks.

Hoop rolling.

The boys pulled hard.

The boys knew they'd be unbeatable.

But, the girls pulled off another victory.
They can hardly wait for their next trip to the museum!


  1. Wow, sounds like you guys had a great time. I'd rather do that then go to work, you think I could get paid for it?

  2. Awesome pictures and great summary!!!!!! We had so much fun at these classes! Can't wait until the next field trip:)

  3. :( Sorry we missed Friday. It looks like a great place to visit and learn.
