Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2012 already? The boys decided not to believe that the world was ending on 12.12.12 when I cheered that I wouldn't have to be doing any Christmas shopping next year. ;-) They did get a kick out of this cartoon though:

2011 was an okay year. We kept thinking that things are going to get better just around the corner, next month, we will be all caught up and organized. Then in August, I got notified that I was being restructured and had to start searching for a new job. I took a little bit of time to consider alternatives, garage saling/reselling on ebay, making soaps to sell on etsy, throwing the kids to the wolves in PS and getting an out of the house job but in the meantime, I applied for job after job after job online. I am soooo thankful that a guy I could barely understand (heavy French accent) called and interviewed me. It turned out that I didn't off him my firstborn (Yes, he was that hard to understand) but offered me an excellent job with excellent people!  So, Todd and I are both employed this year and most of the bills have come down for one reason or another (except that stupid, stupid cable company!) and we really should be back on our feet soon - it seems like things keep changing and we're not quite sure what's going on in all corners yet. But, it's looking up!

2012 is the first year in many, many years that I have made some resolutions but they're not fixed goals, just general goals. I resolve to make myself a happier person this year. You should hear me laughing more. And, I'm going to be making lists and keeping myself more organized. That's it, nothing huge but being more organized should make me happier. 

Look how much my vanilla extract has changed in just two weeks. Think a resolution should take a little longer? Me too!

I am getting more training at my new job today and I am so excited to keep getting new hours and learning more about the company!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things are going better. I just wish I could hear you laughing in taekwondo. :)
