Monday, January 23, 2012

Not much new around here...

I hope you all are having a great 2012 so far. I did start my organizing and there's so much more to do:

It's sort of amazing how much you can get done in just a few minutes. I just keep looking at the pantry thinking it's more than I can handle and PLEASE, don't make me look at the cupboard under my bathroom sink! I try so hard to throw stuff away when I clean that one and it just keeps getting worse. :(

We went to visit our friends, Pat & Jan the other week and enjoyed a huge bonfire! The boys and Hermione had a great time.

 Patch had a ball taking some pictures of it. He has quite the eye when he wants to.

We had another fun class with Ranger Jay - that I got lost on the way to it and ran into a scary neighborhood where a woman was sitting in the middle of the street in her scooter. I should have gotten her picture ;-)

This was the most wildlife we got to see that day but I'm about to give up hope on ever seeing anything more in a crowd.

 The trees that look rather ghostly are sycamores, the bark falls off as the tree grows and the bottom of the tree has patchy (or camouflage looking) bark - therefore looking sick (Now I'll always be able to recognize a sycamore tree!)

Once I get my hands on some pinking shears, I plan on trying to make a quilt out of these t-shirts. Wish me luck on that one!

Work is still going really well. Patch keeps improving his speech and both boys still dislike school work ;-)

OH! I almost forgot! Franklin is toying with the idea of starting a foodie type of blog and has come up with the name - Wild Teen Foodie. Todd and I lean towards something like Teenage Mutant Ninja Foodie. Being that he's not all that 'wild' but likes some pretty wild things as a youngster, I think he needs help with an idea so if you have any thoughts, please share them!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are working on the same things we are...organizing. I wish you luck. I know we started yesterday with the kitchen, but today it still looks like something blew up. Things just need "homes". :)
