Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is it just me?

Or do your expenses really fill out to cover your income whether you want it to or not?

After Todd getting laid off and then me getting 'restructured' (I never really want to know what that means since they replaced me and the other girl they restructured immediately) we've been better at watching our pennies and working to pay off some debt. We're not back where we were before all this happened but things were looking brighter but why, oh why, do appliances have to start breaking down? We just had the a/c at the rental house fixed earlier this month but it seems to be broken again. And our poor dishwasher might become to young boys doing everything by hand.

I know, things could always be worse and Todd and I could not have any jobs in this economy and we're lucky that we both have jobs we like :) It would just be nice to be ahead of the game for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I always pause when things are going well. Seems like that when you turn a corner and get smacked in the face. :) Life is a roller coaster, enjoy the ups and take the downs with caution.
