Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Update on Monday

Patch LOVED his first class. Even if it was too short. They have smart boards in the school now (from what I hear.) It looks like a dry-erase board but the teacher can program it with different things. I guess the teacher pulled up various pictures and had the kids pick out rhyming words. If they got it right the pictures did something fun. I wonder if I can get something like that for homeschooling  - yeah, if something like that was in my budget. HA!

The Dr. found something that she could have biopsied yesterday. Now I have to wait patiently until next Thursday to get results. And, I'm sure you all know how patient I can be. Not very. Please continue to think good thoughts for me. tyvm!


  1. Glad all went well. Find something to keep busy with...rearrange a closet. :)

  2. Positive thoughts, the mind is a POWERFUL tool. Use it wisely. ;) and like Marsha said, it never hurts to clean out a closet, or two. Hugs!
