Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rental house is DONE!

Well, except for the appliances but there's no big rush right now. But, it's soooo nice to have all that painting, painting and more painting behind us!

We didn't have to do too much work outside this time. (It needs work but later, much later hopefully!)
 There was soooo much junk left on the property, included a truck (broken) muffler left under the house. We made two large trips to the dump - one shortly after we started work and the 2nd one, this weekend. The muffler ran the entire length of my van.
Both bathroom sinks needed to be reseated as they were popping out of the counter and that led to plumbing work below.

The entire inside needed to be painted, we stuck with white throughout the house. One of the renters had left thousands of pin holes in the walls. Dart board or push pins, we're not sure but they're gone now.

This tub was disgusting! But, I finally got it mostly clean.
 In addition to the sink in this bathroom, we had to replace the light fixture.
 The wood floors took a beating from the renters too. I don't know what they kept dragging across the floors and along the walls but this looks better too.
 The sub floor needed to be replaced in the laundry room. It seems like they had a freezer that leaked? Anyhow, we couldn't have a mushy floor so the guys worked hard to tear up what was there and replace a lot of wood below and then covering the entire laundry room and kitchen floor with new linoleum.
 The kitchen was just nasty, dirty. And, they not only ran off with the stove but left a broken dishwasher too. Thanks, renter people!
 They did replace the counters near the stove though. We had to finish them so they'd be easier to clean up after the next renters though.
We couldn't have done all this work without the help of some friends. Thank you Pat & Jan for putting in so many hours in helping us get this ready. It's a good thing I married such a handy guy and we have such handy friends :)

We listed the house on craigslist and had two people interested within the first two hours. When we were working on Saturday, a couple stopped by and fell in love. I think we'll have renters as of April 1st - they put a deposit down anyhow.

Cross your fingers for us!!


  1. Yeah!!! I am SO happy for you guy! Such hard work by all. I'll will keep my fingers crossed.

  2. Well it wasn't all work. But now that that will be rented out, we need to put some time in to all our other projects. Ready for so much more hard work and fun?

  3. Good! They house looks really great. All your work certainly paid off. It's a shame folks don't take care of other's property.
