Friday, March 25, 2011

BzzAgent & Makeup!

I know some of you know that I'm a BzzAgent. It's a really great concept where manufactures or sales agents anyhow ask us to try out a product and then tell our friends about it. We just hope it's something good to say about the product. ;-) If you'd like to find out more, check out the BzzAgent site here:

I haven't done a lot as a BzzAgent lately but they offered me a chance to try out some makeup and I know you're all thinking... Wendy? Makeup? This does not compute! But, I have on occassion worn makeup. Every once in a while, I think I should wear it more often but it's something I'm not very good at. (Just don't tell those people who still think I'm perfect - a certain 8yo and 11yo that are all near and dear to our hearts.)

So, anyhow, I received my samples today from L'Oreal - because I'm worth it!

The eye shadow looks pretty cool, one fell swoop and I have three colors on my eye. The mascara on the other hand looks a little scary. What's with the round ball on the bottom end?? I never saw such a fat mascara container before. A two step process sounds like twice as much clumping and getting black stuff all over my face - very dangerous in my thought process... But, I will try them on later and maybe give you a before and after shot and let you know what I think.

In the meantime, check out this video of our silly puppy. She WILL get this red dot some day! I have faith in her ;-)

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