Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A little update...

I'm feeling like I can breath a little these days. Let me try to upload a few pictures and let you know what we're done doing and why I'm breathing a little easier these days. For those who don't already know this, I just feel a little overwhelmed when I have three or more things hanging out there waiting to be done. Not that I don't enjoy doing lots and lots of things with my family and friends, I just need to figure out how to focus on the one or two things coming up and not let the rest bother me. ;-)  
In June, the boys and I headed south to my mother's house for a visit with her, my sister, her family and got to meet her new baby dog too. :) We went to the Central Florida Zoo and tried their zip lines. It was a great time! If you get the chance to go on something like this, take it!!

My sister's oldest son, Danny has been a lifeguard for the last 5 years and we took a day to visit with him and get the boys a swimming lesson. They're both pretty happy that they can swim across the pool now. :)

Shortly after that, my friend and her daughter came up from FL and helped us have a garage sale. We've had the garage full of stuff for way too many years and the garage still needs some work but it's SOOOO much better than it was! Thank you Lorelei and Leah for that!! This picture was taken after a fair amount of the 'stuff' was already sold!

We've also been fortunate enough to be able to visit with our friends near Aiken which is close to a lake. It's been a great way to keep cool this summer. (If you can get past the rocks and muck you're walking on in the lake - thankfully, I have my crocs to wear there now :) )
 And, yes! We got to visit the Pirate exhibit at the State Museum. It was pretty cool! After spending most of the morning listening to Patch complaining that he didn't want to go to the museum, I got a sad face when we started to leave and a question as to why we were leaving. When I told him that the museum was closing for the day, he promptly smiled and asked, 'Can we come back tomorrow?' Hopefully, we'll find something Franklin really likes the next time we go. ;-)

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