Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I know, I know! I've been a bad blogger lately :(

We have been busy having fun, working ourselves half to death, gardening and trying to fit some school work and field trips in lately!

First off, I am better now. I was rather under the weather for a while but all is good now. :) All the boys are good too.

I think our first social outing in a while was a visit w/ Marsha and the girls to see the WONDERFUL job they did in the play, Peter Pan. I was way impressed with them both. :) I'm still debating letting my boys try out for Music Man Jr. as I hate the gas prices lately but I know Patch would really love to be in a play. I'm not sure if Franklin is interested now that he saw the girl's play or not. I do love a good play though!

Then we went to visit our friends, Pat & Jan and helped them build a cool Topsy Turvy garden. I hope it's finished and growing well. I know Pat couldn't finish it because he had carpal tunnel surgery on his right hand and can't do anything with it for a while - well, he can lift a soda can this week, if he has too. ;-)

He has to hook up the watering system and I think it will be really cool when it's done. I'm thinking that next year, Todd will be doing something similar for me :) Less weeds! They could hang up at least 8 topsy turvy plants on there!

Pat, in case you're reading this... I had a thought for you the other day. Since you are one handed I was thinking that something fun you could do is to write poems. I know it's slow typing with your other hand but you always come up with some funny poems responding to things the boys say and I think you'd be good at it! I hope your hand isn't bothering you too much and that Jan is taking good care of you. (Well, I know she's doing that!)

The boys and I enjoyed a really fun field trip at Nosoca Pines Ranch last week. They have some great looking camps if you want to send your kids away for a week. We got to go out on the lake - the weather was perfect for that!

We got to go horseback riding :)

Even the moms got to ride the horses! We had a picnic, the kids played basket ball and tennis. Then we went on a nature walk and got totally lost on their map but again, it was a beautiful day for a walk in the woods. We did head back to the ranch and April asked for directions and we finally found the mine shaft hidden in the woods. That was REALLY cool!

That, Hope! She is so much fun! She got right in everything with the kids. :) She was about to crawl under the wooden wall through the dirt and out the back end of the mine shaft. She braved all the spiders and snakes for the kids. You rock, Hope!

If April is kind enough to schedule this again next year, we are so there!

Saturday and Sunday, we worked on the garden. Hopefully, we'll get some veggies out of it soon

Sunday, we went to Todd's company picnic and the boys had a blast at Saluda Shoals Park at the water park and the rock wall area.

I hope all my friends out there are doing well!

1 comment:

  1. You have been as busy as we have! The girls and I really enjoyed your visit; we'll have to do it more often. :)
