Monday, January 24, 2011

Couponing, here I come!

Did ya miss me? LOL I'm doing a lot of nothing lately. Well, I guess we're doing stuff here just not much to blog about. We're still working on the house and visiting with friends when we can but I haven't made it to FL for my mid-winter thaw yet.

Anyhow, iVillage just opened up a new board called Coupon Clippers and I'm getting a lot of good tips on there about how to save some money. I haven't been too successful yet but I have an idea on how to save money. Mostly, it seems to be a matter of finding things already on sale and then using coupons too! seems to be one of the better websites out there that put the two together for you. You can click on the drug store or major chain store of your choice and find the best deals. Or you can click on a grocery store in your state and find the best deals there too. You can click on ALL of them! (I think my brain would be fried if I tried that! LOL) You can sort by any of the columns they show there - the one they recommend is sorting by the last column to find the free or 75% off deals - the highest deals available to you. Sometimes, you can find deals where you'll make money and even if you don't normally buy the product, maybe you have a friend who does or a charity you could pass it along too - they get the food and you get the cash!

I have to try to think outside the box more. I went to CVS today to take part of the deal on coke 12pks. You buy 5 - 12 packs for $15 ($3 each) and then... you get their cash back deal of $5 to use next time you shop making it $2 a 12-pack  - great deal but we drink diet coke and diet sprite in this house - I was going to get some of both. Well, I guess CVS doesn't sell diet sprite (meanies!) and I should have bought 5 diet cokes but walked out with nothing instead. I need to figure out what other deals are out there so I don't mind going back tomorrow or the next day to make the deal.

If any of you have figured this out already, feel free to share tips!

1 comment:

  1. I keep saying I'm going to do the couponing stuff and I need to. A fellow homeschool mom does awesome! She feeds 3 adults and 3 teenagers for I believe she said around $40 A MONTH! She said she'd show me the ropes as soon as I was ready. She said I could even come shopping with her and she would show me how easy it is:) She's so sweet! I told her she should come teach a class to us all one day. Maybe we could each pitch in $5 or something for her time. We would save soooo much more money than that. Maybe I should set that up....

    There's also sites like
    and more:)
