Monday, November 5, 2012

Cabin fever relieved for a little while

I know most people will think of a claustrophobic type of cabin fever but I seem to have a fever to need to get to the cabin! My girlfriend, Lorelei and her husband own the cabin that her parents built years ago. She showed me the picture just this past weekend of her dad setting the stones in the fireplace - so when I say 'built,' I mean 'built!' They also build things in the cabin, table, chairs, headboards, quilts. The one thing that amazes me is that they found a fireplace cover that fits almost perfectly just laying in the woods one day. 
Front of cabin
Back of cabin

I don't know how many acres they have up there, I think at least 10 but they've built trails all over that we love to get out and hike on. While we're there, we also do a bit of clean up on the trails, sweeping the leaves off so they're not as slippery come May when they open the cabin back up, trimming back some of the over growth along the trails, This time, we added pulling up White Pines that aren't native to the area and even chopping down the bigger ones. 

Patch clipping down a White Pine

Ryan clipping down a White Pine

View of the woods from the driveway - around the next corner is the cabin
(Yes, using one real name since he has his own FB page now...) 

There's always so much to do up there that we can never get everything done but with such a short trip this time, we at least made it to the cheese factory and the giant slide. They've added stairs to the giant slide! And even the big kids like to slide down it...



Just to show you the size of it!

The closest we got to any snow. Ryan thought he was going to hit his momma  with a snowball - then he thought again. 

 We also got to drive home after picking up some YUMMY apples along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a little hazy out that day but still a beautiful drive.

It's always fun to visit our friends, we missed their girls bunches!! We're ready to visit again :)

Hermione loves it up there but you should have seen how excited she was to get in the car to head home. I know she misses it too but she loves her people more :)
Ryan is all about technology of any form but at least this time he had an excuse. He's writing 1134 words a day for NANOWRIMO. Hermione just wants to be with her people. :)

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