Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Did I mention fall was in the air?

Once again it's time to enjoy that cooler weather. Sometimes I miss the north and all the beautiful colors that we don't seem to get this far south. But, the leaves are changing a bit and hopefully, we'll get out to see some color this week.

But, we've been up to some stuff recently...

We got to go see my mom while she vacationed in Myrtle Beach. I didn't get many pics (stupid camera batteries dying - I know! I know! Bring spare batteries for once!) But, we did get in a pool a bit and the boys thought the brief visit to the hot tub was okay. Grammy bought the boys some pretty kites that we flew for a bit on the beach. It's great the way they make kites these days - you can drop them in the ocean, drag them in through the surf and we'll be out flying these kites again! :)

John Edwards (the guy who talks to the dead) recently had a birthday and had some drawings on his page to celebrate. For the Evolve gift package there were over 7000 people who left comments and I was one of five picked to win that one! The package arrived yesterday and it's pretty cool!

It arrived the day we found out some of the cars in the neighborhood had been broken into. I looked at my dew covered windows in the van and knew we had been checked out too but thankfully, we passed! No valuables worth stealing in this girl's van! (And, Todd's car was gone but I'm guessing his passed too :)  ) Our knowledge of the break ins began when Todd found a backpack in our side yard with the contents laying there. When he checked, he found mail addressed to a house around the corner. He went to return it and found the police there - the neighbor's truck had been involved in a smash & grab. In talking to neighbors, we found a few more cars had been broken into. Now I'm thinking that we  REALLY need to have a motion detector light hooked up for the driveway and side yard - look how secluded it is! No low windows, fences in both yards - perfect for darkness. :( 

So, use this as a reminder to keep your valuables out of site or better yet, not in your car at all! Thank you.
~End of service message...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall is in the air...

It hasn't gotten much cooler yet but I'm ready for that soon!

Have I mentioned here that my goal is to visit State Parks all over South Carolina? I figure that if I'm going to live here, I should know more about my state :) We've been to Sesquicentennial a bunch of times but it's time to branch out. Today we visited:
It's in Camden so not to far away (And Patch has an attachment to Camden.) We had bought the Park Plus package and received a coffee table book that in my humble opinion, is terrible. I'd like to see pictures of what the parks actually look like instead of blurry artistic pictures of leaves. So, here are a few that we took today (no, not all that we took - we took 94 and I deleted at least 40 of those and I'm not sharing all 54 that remain either! LOL)





A couple homeschooling pics to share.... The difference between a 5th's grader's math and an 8th grader's:

I had heard that learning cursive helps improve printing skills - what's shown here is better printing than the 8th grader had but I'm way impressed with his cursive - better than mine ever was!
I went to the doctor on Monday and found out that I have tennis elbow so now I get to ice my elbow after work every night :) Lucky me!
Hope ya'll get to enjoy the fall season soon!