Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Game plans...

I always start off with some great plans for homeschooling but they don't always turn out the way I'd like them too.

This year, in addition to the reading, 'riting & 'rithmatic, we're delving deeper into unit studies to round out the rest of the curriculum and adding some science with The Magic School Bus. TMSB might be a little young for both of my guys but we'll add to it and try to make it more interesting and hopefully, get some friends to come over and do the bigger experiments with us.

My schedule keeps changing at work (that could stop any time soon, tyvm!) but at this point, we're planning on doing some park hopping. Unfortunately, not Disney Parks but the SC State parks instead! I'm really looking forward to exploring more of the state we call home. So, at least one Friday a month (being my only day off every week, I'd like to reserve a few Fridays to doing absolutely nothing!) we're going to visit a new state park. The pass will also let Todd take the boys mountain biking at Sesqui any time they want. I don't have a mountain bike but Hermione and I could go walk around the park a bit.

I also want to find something physical for the boys to do. I was planning on signing them up for swim & gym at the Y but I think I missed the sign up period for that this time. Franklin just told me that he thinks Patch would be good at football. ;-) Until we find something to sign up for, biking and basketball will have to do.

Our current unit study is about Ancient Greece and I think they both love learning about the Greek Gods and wonder why they might have believed in so many gods. Hopefully, we'll find that out soon!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's Back to School Time around here!

Yep, we started back yesterday. And, so far, so good! Franklin seems enthused and Patch is... well, Patch. He drew pictures of bombs on the front of his notebook...

(Please excuse the lack of paint on the front door, we're still deciding what color we want to make it.)

Franklin added a meteor to his - I think he's looking forward to a space study unit this year...

(The boys took these pics and were practicing the 'worm's eye view they learned about during a Photography camp they took online this summer.)

Patch happy, Patch sad, Patch goofy :)...

Franklin - cool...

The two of them acting like they like each other...

I've been practicing getting a serious picture and a silly picture with the boys either by themselves or getting whole groups to do it. I usually like the silly picture better. :)

Anyhow... along with the basics this year, reading, 'riting, 'rithmatic, we're using unit studies and starting out learning about Ancient Greece this year. (Space comes later this year, Franklin!)