Friday, February 10, 2012

Blogging about blogs or at least blog posts

I'm not sure I even have a right to post this one and I know it will infuriate some of my military blog friends but someone should teach this woman a bit more about the military life. Even I know more than this lady does!

Maybe her intent was just to stir the pot but at least get your facts straight before you go insulting people! I don't care which branch of the military you're in the person serving and their spouse and children deserve a lot more credit and respect than you are giving them. Even if they aren't 'Army Wives,' which I believe they are, if they want to refer to themselves as Army Wives, who are you to correct them? I honestly don't know enough about the rest to comment much but, are those your hubs camos you're wearing in the pregnancy pic? Is that any better to post than another woman posting a sexy pic while wearing her hubs camos? I hope she gets a grip on how to treat others soon. That's her blog and she can say what she likes there, this is mine and I'm saying what I like.

Franklin and I watched this video a little while ago - warning (and he'll warn you again) lots of vulgar language in the letter he reads written by his 15yo daughter. I don't know that I could go to the lengths he did - maybe reformat the hard drive and sell it to make up the $130 she now owes him...

What do you think? Did he go to far? I know Franklin and Patch have both talked about getting jobs but how much is out there for a 15yo (or younger) to do?

And, last but not least, one of my favorite blogs to read. I might have to buy her book ;-) I use to think it was just her that was nuts but then I read the second link post and realized, they're both a little crazy.

You might browse the site before letting little eyes see it, I don't think Franklin or Patch has seen any of her posts but I'm not sure that they couldn't. In fact, I'm pretty sure they'd love the robot tigers post because they really want to try to build a bot of some kind.