Monday, April 25, 2011

Good news!

I saw the doctor today (and yes, she saw me) and she said that I'm healing well and they got all the bad, nasty cells out of me.  :) Life can go on as normal. A pap in 4 months and then another 6 months after that and if they come back clean, I can go back to the regular annual exam!

Thank you for all the positive thoughts and prayers. They helped a lot!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I hate to blog about me

But, I know some of you knew I was having surgery on Monday and I wanted to let you know that everything is going well. I have a follow up on Monday so the doctor can feel better about my recovery. Mostly sleepy - and hungry!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Speech Class

Patch had his 3rd speech class today. He got homework today! The first day, the teacher made it sound like she would do it all and we wouldn't have to help him. I guess that's changed ;-)

I'm still not impressed with public school. I've heard them use a couple expressions that I'd rather my boys not know - telling him that he has no excuse to not listen because we know he can hear great - after his hearing test. Yeah, I need the boys to have something new to try to get out of doing stuff - they just haven't thought of some of this stuff on their own!!

At the meeting with me to determine if he was eligible, the teach (I'm calling her that because she calls me 'mom' ;-) ) asks and then looks at me very expectantly if I was going to enroll him in PS. Oh wait, let me rethink my plans here in 5 seconds and change everything I do. Umm, no, I'm not going to enroll him.

Today, I found out that if the kids raise their hands and behave, they get sand dollars that they can cash in for candy. One of the boys misbehaved so he didn't get any today but then neither did Patch. 'Why' you ask? Didn't he behave himself? Of course, he did! This is Patch we're talking about! He didn't get any because he doesn't attend school. I'm not thrilled that they bribe the kids with candy but I think I would be crushed if I were in Patch's shoes. :(

Needless to say, Patch is pushing to attend PS next year :(